After delving into pen and ink drawings it’s time for a digital painting update …
In this Tarot themed post you’ll find a preview of the latest additions to my upcoming playing cards … a look at the visual story (or infographic) I did for Nine Lives Tarot … and my artwork for the 5th Aeclectic Tarot Collaborative deck …
Illustrated Playing Cards
Inspired by the Court cards in Nine Lives Tarot – this deck brings Tarot symbols to the world of playing cards. While time-consuming, I am having so much fun re-drawing the royal characters in mirror fashion, paying particular attention to their tailor made (painted) outfits:

The deck is not far off being completed, if you are interested in getting your hands on one; stay tuned for information about the launch :)
The Visual Story behind Nine Lives Tarot
A while back I made a collage image, which tells the story about my Tarot deck from a more visual point of view. The preview below is just a small section of the story – to view the full version, click the image or visit About Nine Lives Tarot
The Visual Story behind Nine Lives Tarot (detail)
Artwork for Collaborative Tarot Deck
I chose the 10 of Swords to create artwork for in the 5th Aeclectic Tarot Collaborative Deck. While some consider this a daunting card (to receive in a reading), I want the artwork to convey the positive aspect of accepting insight and moving from dark to light. You can read more about the meaning and the process on my Nine Lives Art blog

Thank you for visiting and take care
Annette :)
Your deck of playing cards is going to be something really special; you can mark me down as your first customer.
Goodness, with your commenting record I believe you deserve a special deal! Thank you :)