Rachel, a Graphic Design student approached me a while back asking if she could interview me as part of a video assignment in her final year of studies. I hadn’t met Rachel before, though discovered she’s a lovely and most talented young girl. The interview went well (filmed in my studio); we chatted about design work, art, education and teaching & even managed a cup of tea in between filming and talking.

The video of the interview is now complete and you can watch it below… While I find it really strange to see myself (all that hand-waving and talking), I do think Rachel has done a great job editing and putting it all together. You can see more of her work by going to: rhowden.com

Video Assignment by Rachel Howden: An Interview with Annette Abolins 

Update: It’s now 2020 and after 6 years, the link Rachel’s video is no longer live. You will have to imagine the interview ;)

Thanks for visiting!

Annette :)

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Andris Abolins

    Jag tyckte att intervjun var väldigt bra. Att “vifta” med händerna gjorde det hela mera naturligt, personligt och intressant.

  2. Diane

    It is a great interview. Congratulations to you both, and I can imagine that you had a lot of fun doing it. I expect that we will be seeing you and Rachel among next year’s Oscar nominations?

  3. Annette

    Thank you and tack :)

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