Today has been a day of colour :)
Death although inevitable, has more than gloom and doom in her cloak; carrying the wisdom of life and the ability to discard what has served its cause. The symbolic meaning of Death talks about the end of a phase – where the present situation is outworn and it is time to move on to something new.

Temperance is traditionally often shown as an angel (wings…) close to water, and pouring from 2 cups. The symbolic meaning talks about harmony between the subconscious and conscious mind, adaptation, patience and an even temperament. To me, both harmony & an even temperament are closely linked with water – there are few things that put the mind at ease as well as a swim does :) My Temperance lives in the water as a mermaid-like figure, where she can float freely between the subconscious and conscious realms.

Thanks for stopping by & take care!
Annette :)
Hey Annette, your Tarot series is coming along nicely! Are you planning to have them printed?
Thanks Johan :) Oh it would be fun to print them – with only 6 cards to go in the major arcana, I’m tempted to do the whole deck but I haven’t decided yet :) It’s great drawing practice & I am enjoying the project a lot – even though there was a bit of a time lapse. Hope all is going well your end and thanks for visiting!
I’m loving your Tarot illustration journey, beautiful work…time lapse, that wouldn’t have anything to do with life and all its other responsibilities? Oh to just be able to draw and paint and draw and paint and draw some more…bliss xox
Thank you for your kind words Melanie :) – You’re so right that life has a habit of creating time lapses… it’s great when juggling goes in the favour of art :)