The saying that a picture says more than a thousand words feels ever so true to me… which is probably why I named my Sketchbook Project ‘Every Picture tells a Story”. There are forever ideas that half-form in my head (always starting as an image), but either end up on the ‘I should draw that one day’ pile, or simply get forgotten in the daily avalanche of new impressions. This project is giving me the opportunity to grab the ideas and put them down on paper as they pop into my head – and I’m really enjoying it :)
These two drawings are reflections on our society…
The first one is a take on how little bringing events of the world into peoples’ lounge rooms seems to bring people closer together…
In the second one I want to hold a light to natural beauty in this age of cosmetic surgery – money can’t buy love, and no amount of surgery will put a happy smile on your face unless you feel truly happy inside. When even teenagers and kids are pressured by advertisements and society to surgically change their appearance, surely something is wrong with how we view and accept ourselves?

Annette :)
Both drawings are very pertinent, and you have executed them beautifully. Just a matter of the right people looking at them…