A sunny weekend, marking the start of school holidays and le Tour de France – inspired me to take a short break from my Tarot project and do some other drawings…
A Pile of Inspiring Paper
Excitingly, my mum (who has been on a space saving mission of late), dropped off a weighty pile of drawing paper the other day: Different textures, colours and sizes, begging to be tried out. I have cut some of the sheets to smaller size to use for sketches and ink drawings. These new additions to my paper collection had me pull out the whole collection (which I store flat under the drawing table), sort through and put them back in a new order (a fascinating 2am activity I promise :)). It’s quite amazing how much paper weighs, especially when you try to lift a wad of sheets & hold them flat at the same time!… But, it’s worth it, it really is bliss sitting on the floor surrounded by inspiration, waiting to be drawn on. I love the variety of textures and ‘feel’ in paper – almost telling you what medium to use just by touching the surface.

Anyway, from a photographic book of the 20th century, which included the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and from a more recent collection of photos – I did some pen and ink drawings:

And… here’s a cartoon commission I did for a friend:
Thanks for visiting
Annette :)
I’m glad that the paper has given you so much enjoyment. Viggo is really great (as are all three drawings). The cartoon is delightful; I’m sure that the person for whom it was commissioned is very happy with the result.
Lots of enjoyment indeed :) I really enjoyed drawing Viggo (it’s all in the subject :D) and obviously had fun with the others as well. Thank you for your lovely feedback!