With the world in a vastly different place compared to just a few short months ago, I sincerely hope that you are doing fine and are finding ways to cope in these strange times. Wherever you are, I wish you safe and happy times ahead!
I know I haven’t posted in a while, so in this post I want to look back on some of the projects I have been working on recently… which also gives me an opportunity to introduce some some of the inspiring people I have the honour of collaborating with.
OMC – One Man Crew
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Blake, the inspirational driving force behind One Man Crew. A while back, he approached me to design a logo for his already established clothing brand, which would be suited to stickers and tags. In order to maintain consistency with the brand, I came up with variants incorporating the OMC ‘look and feel’; bold, black & white, street smart and recognisable … Following the initial design drafts, two ‘winners’ emerged very quickly, thanks to Blake’s most efficient polling system, where he invited a selection of his customer base to vote on the design direction. Final designs were sent across and by the time we caught up next time, he’d already had stickers printed! Next, we moved on to the Cruise for Cause logo… This project truly reflects Blake’s passion for cars, bikes, fitness and mental health. Teaming up with Beyond Blue, Cruise for Cause is a charity ride, raising awareness for Mental Health, due to take place at the Twelve Apostles in 2021.

Once the logo was finalised for Cruise for Cause, I worked on a number of promo banners and a poster design. The initial test-ride (to give the organisers an opportunity to run through logistics of managing a charity ride, and also, to promote the big event) was planned for June, however, the current restrictions and lockdowns, has postponed the Wisemans Ferry ride to December. Despite this setback, I’m sure it will be a great success. To find out more about the event, checkout OMC and the Cruise for Cause events on: OMC website and OMC on facebook.

Frontline Yoga
In 2019, I worked with the Frontline Yoga team on a rebranding project, which involved designing their new logo and a brand new website, which launched in December. Frontline Yoga have an inspiring vision and the work they do to support professionals on the frontlines of society is quite amazing. With gyms and yoga studios in temporary lockdown, the team have organised online classes to ensure people can continue to enjoy the benefits of yoga. Find out more at: frontlineyoga.com.au

Central Coast Internet Repairs
Chris, the man behind CCIR, approached me to design a website for his business. Full of energy, humour and absolute ‘can-do’ personality, Chris backs this up with decades of experience working in telephony, network cabling and all those things that make it possible to connect using technology. He has even extended his service call hours to help people stay online during these challenging times. Colourful cables provided inspiration for the logo – colours which also are incorporated in service icons and other illustrations on the CCIR website and flyers.

Coping with COVID-19
This is a little cartoon project I’ve been playing around with in the last few days… Thinking about how people cope with crisis in different ways and how perhaps knowing knowing a few warning signs can help us help each other to both cope better and also discover more communicative ways to connect :)

Coming up in the next post: a few tips on managing those coping strategies… Until then, stay safe and well!
Annette :)