Cartoon update #3
In my last post, our avid news addict took some time out from his all-consuming news feeds to enjoy a few relaxing activities (to be honest, he would prefer to be known as: ‘multi-tasking cartoon hero’) … While he still enjoys keeping up with the news, he has been spotted going for walks almost every day and I’ve even heard reports of loud music coming from his window, so something must be working. Today, it’s time to gently coax the bunker dude and escape artist on a short ‘reality’ holiday, where they will (hopefully) enjoy the activities hand-picked, especially for them.
Avoid going completely off the grid…
While keeping safe is important, some might find that they are perhaps a little too good at implementing safety measures… to the point where they are at risk of becoming cut-off from everything and everyone around them. If you find yourself relating to our bunker dude, perhaps join him in some of the activities below:
Time for a mind & body workout!
If you (like I) have a tendency to binge-watch captivating shows, where any real world news escapes by completely unnoticed (especially as every episode ends on a cliff-hanger!) Try giving your screen-eyes a rest with these practical, resourceful and creative activities, designed to kick-start your imagination and invigorate your body.
Coming up next time… a look at how our personality might explain why we cope with social isolation in different ways…
Annette :)