In this post I’m back with 2 more Tarot cards, nearing the end of illustrating the 22 cards in the Major Arcana. I’m seriously thinking about doing the 56 cards in the minor arcana as well. This would make it a full deck of cards (and with such an inspiring project, I cannot help wanting to continue). Sometimes I do a drawing and find myself wanting to go in a different direction half-way through, a new idea pops into my head and I feel the drawing won’t be finished unless I explore what’s in my head… This happened with The Moon, which I’d almost finished and then along came this different idea; so I’ve ended up doing 2 versions. Personally, I’m happier with version 2 but you may think otherwise. The Star on the other hand, was ‘easier’ in that the idea was clear in my head from the start.

Annette :)