I wish there were more hours in a day (and night!)… somehow I keep hoping that the evasive time-lords will relent, and hand out a special box of “extra hours when needed” to all those who ask for it!
Today was a very hot day, no cloud, full sun, and a hot wind thrown in for extra excitement! I do love summer more than any other season, but sometimes it stops you being super productive when the mercury is climbing towards 40 degrees… and so you tend to wait for that cool evening breeze (which decided not to come tonight) for working on things that ask for a semi-focused head. Without the evening breeze it’s still very warm, but quite nice, and much better than freezing… a bit like living in a sauna :)
I spent this late warm evening finishing the drawing of my son (the coloured version), and here are both versions:

Thanks for visiting and take care!
Annette :)
Hey Annette, hope you’re not in the flooded area!
Hot weather… oh how I long for that!
It’s freezing here and I hate being cold lol
So where do I stand in line for a time box? :)
Hi there Johan, glad to see you popping by :) It’s almost freaky the way the weather is so extreme (globally). We’re thankfully not in a flooded area; I’ll definitely take the hot desert winds over a house under water! …and what about you guys up north with all that snow and cold weather…! I’m still looking for the perfect time box line, but I’ll let you know when I find it :)