I am really sorry it’s been so long since I last posted any updates …

A few months ago my husband became ill unexpectedly :( Despite the upheaval and worry; some events seem to shine a light on what matters in life; love, family, friendships – and we’re lucky to be surrounded by wonderful people. Being positive about him recovering – and taking things day by day really, truly helps … :)

Also, finding moments here and there to work on my cards is a creative oasis, which helps me recharge and keep going :) So, finally – on this last day of the year, here is an update of where VIZAĜO is at:

The Aces

The initial drafts allowed me to see the direction I wanted for these single pip cards … and to figure out how they would connect both court cards and number cards together. To me, the ace represents the essence of its suit; it is both the highest and lowest card and deserves a feature role as it brings the suit full circle. VIZAĜO’s four aces incorporate aspects of royalty and number cards, while continuing the main theme of this deck, which is the face:

The four Aces in Vizaĝo playing cards
The four Aces in Vizaĝo playing cards

Number Cards

The original idea for the number cards was to repeat the pip (suit symbol) from each ace … However, the amount of detail made the first versions appear quite busy, and I went back to the drawing board. After playing around with different ideas I finally came up with the half-half pip … These ‘divided’ pips show a face in profile with a solid field of colour completing the symbol shape … using colours to match the courts and aces in each suit.

Numbered Spades showing enlarged pip for a closer look
Numbered Spades showing enlarged pip for a closer look
Diamonds on diagonal display
Diamonds on diagonal display
Number cards in the suit of Clubs
Number cards in the suit of Clubs
Number cards in the Heart suit
Number cards in the Heart suit

Below are a previews from each suit, showing Ace, court and number card together:

Vizaĝo Hearts - Ace, Jack and number 7
Vizaĝo Hearts – Ace, Jack and number 7
Vizaĝo Clubs - Ace, Queen and number 9
Vizaĝo Clubs – Ace, Queen and number 9
Vizaĝo Diamonds - Ace, Queen and number 8
Vizaĝo Diamonds – Ace, Queen and number 8
Vizaĝo Spades - Ace, King and number 8
Vizaĝo Spades – Ace, King and number 8

Next up will be the Jokers and the card back, which I am looking forward to getting started on!

Thank you for visiting – and for your patience
Annette :)

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Diane

    They all look great, Annette. I feel that the ‘half-half’ pip (as you put it) works really well; in fact all the cards in each suite work together particularly well. I am looking forward to seeing the Jokers.

    1. Annette

      Thank you so much :) and I’m glad you like the half-half pips :)

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